Thursday, October 11, 2007


What an exciting month for teaching and learning about wikis, blogs, and podcasting. This month the class goal is to podcast. We want to record Reader's Theater productions. This will be new to our school and the students are very excited about preparing something for an audience.

I feel I have seen an increase in participation in writing because the students have an audience when they write and their work is publihsed.

Check out what they have been writing at

Listen to this article
Listen to this article


nancy_perez555 said...

I'm very exited about podcasting and your rite students have been more interesting in writing its fun.!

kaitlyn said...

I love podcasting

Pamela Pritchard said...

Thanks Nancy and Kaitlyn

kaitlyn said...

Your welcome Mrs Pritchard

Pamela Pritchard said...

You are awesome Kaitlyn

Thanks for supporting our adventure in blogging.

Pamela Pritchard said...


You are fantastic! Thanks for supporting this blog.